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10 Tips to make your IFRS 17 Project a Success
IFRS 17 is a major transformation for insurance companies. It impacts accounting, actuarial processes, IT systems, and financial governance. Its implementation can be a challenge, but with the right approach, it becomes an opportunity for structuring and optimizing your processes. Receive our premium content

Navigating the complexities of Insurance Pricing: Modeling, Climate Risks & Large Losses
Don’t miss Mederick Besarabov, our Senior Manager of Pricing & Data Analytics P&C, as he addresses the challenges of P&C insurance pricing, climate risks, and large losses. Download the full presentation! Receive our premium content

Benchmark: practices and challenges in non-life reserving methods
In 2024, the addactis Observatory conducted a nationwide survey of non-life insurers in the French market, in order to update its previous studies and highlight market trends in a rapidly changing environment. Receive our premium content

Credibility-Weighted Territorial Rating
Are you struggling to translate your insurance company's strategy into effective territorial ratemaking? Our comprehensive resource explores the intricacies of advanced methodologies as well as the links between risk mutualization and ratemaking. This will empower you to develop fairer and more transparent rating strategies. Receive our premium content

2020 review of the solvency II directive
After situating this step in the overall timetable for the 2020 review, Addactis experts offer you a summary of the major changes at level 1 (directive) related to Pillar 1, and the issues still to be addressed at level 2 (delegated acts). Receive our premium content

Key Indicators for a Deeper Understanding of IFRS 17 Results
The implementation of IFRS 17 marks a true revolution in the management of the income statement for the concerned insurance entities. In this context, what are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) that can be implemented? Elevate your knowledge and stay ahead in navigating the complexities of IFRS 17 with our exclusive analysis and expert perspectives. Receive our premium content

The treatment of reinsurance under IFRS 17
While most of the IFRS 17 mechanisms are now well understood, certain specific aspects continue to raise questions. In this article, our experts outline four points of vigilance in the treatment of reinsurance under IFRS 17. Receive our premium content

Four Non-life Reserving Methods you need to master
How to choose the right reserving method? Among the four most well-known resreving methods in the actuarial world, our experts give you some useful guidelines for choosing the right method at the right time! Receive our premium content

How You Will Crash Your IFRS 17 Project
Welcome to the IFRS 17 adventure! You are moving from being an expert to an adventurer, becoming a pioneer of the new standard. What are the pitfalls that await you? Read our paper and start your IFRS 17 journey. Receive our premium content

Cyber Risk: Stochastic modelling of personal records losses & modelling the spread of ransomware
A major cyber risk we are studying is incidents of data privacy breaches through the loss of personal records. Download this presentation and access the knowledge and modelling of cyber risk from two modelling approaches. Receive our premium content

Actuarial science & Data Science: a necessary convergence
In this document, we establish a brief overview of the new practices linked to the growing use of data science in our insurance sector. We will then explain why and how to apply these methods to the insurance world in order to propose innovative solutions. Receive our premium content

Pricing: a priority for non-life insurers in Africa
What if your company’s growth and sustainable long-term profitability depended on your pricing and underwriting policies? The African non-life insurance market is a case in point. Receive our premium content

Why is non-life insurance not taking off in Africa?
Why is insurance in Africa not fulfilling the economic, financial & societal roles that it is being asked to play? What is the reason for this failure? Receive our premium content

The Top 6 Myths of non-life pricing insurance
The pricing process is very often accused of being slow, disconnected from the threats of the market or the competition, or even opaque and incomprehensible, to the point of becoming almost anxiety-provoking. We have selected 6 Myths around pricing, which seem strangely persistent and widespread within all types of non-life insurance companies. Read our analysis. Receive our premium content

Innovative Reserving Process
Our addactis experts have exemplified a new reserving approach concerning advantages and challenges of individual claim analysis and forecasting, based on data science. To download the presentation, please follow this link. Receive our premium content

Generating value for P&C insurers through Pricing Innovation in Africa in a post-COVID-19 environment
Attaining long-term profitability is the main goal of every company, and insurers are no exceptions. The deteriorated economical conditions due to the COVID-19 crisis, will make this issue even more acute and compel insurance carriers to find the right levers to operate in order to navigate this new environment and enjoy renewed profitability. Receive our premium content

CSM and P&L assessment under IFRS 17
This Paper deals with the drivers of the IFRS 17 Profit, the disclosure of the P&L account, and the solutions identified to handle the volatility and mismatch related to IFRS 17 valuation. Receive our premium content

Implementing Generalized Linear Models in a changing environment
The purpose of this article is to highlight the benefits of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), a modeling technique that has been traditionally suited for insurance data, providing valuable answers to these questions. Receive our premium content

Risk Adjustment under IFRS17
Risk Adjustment offers a great opportunity for insurance companies to fully exploit their ERM corpus, as the Solvency II framework has enabled them to make considerable progress in this area. Receive our premium content