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Mutualidad renews its trust in Addactis through its IFRS 17 project
Mutualidad renews its trust in Addactis through its IFRS 17 project. Read more about this insurance company’s experience.

Risk-free rate curves and EIOPA data
Each month, Addactis lists and summarizes the economic parameters used to produce the solvency ratio and the economic balance sheet: risk-free rate curves, volatility correction, symmetrical equity adjustment, etc. Read our article now.

Data, systems integration, processes, reporting…: The Strategic Role of Finance in IFRS 17
In the rapidly evolving insurance industry, finance and accounting teams are essential drivers of operational improvement and regulatory compliance. Discover our article about the Strategic Role of Finance in IFRS 17.

Addactis, ISO 27 001 certified
After many months of hard work and dedication on the part of all our teams, Addactis has just been certified ISO 27001:2022, via Certi-Trust.

Benchmark: practices and challenges in non-life reserving methods
In 2024, the addactis observatory conducted a nationwide survey of non-life insurers in the French market, in order to update its previous studies and highlight market trends in a rapidly changing environment.

IFRS 17 & Data: Key Challenges and Solutions for actuaries and financial teams
Data plays a central role in the successful implementation of IFRS 17. Actuarial, financial systems and general management challenge is to ensure correct measurement and transparency of financial results.

ADDACTIS Group appoints Frédéric CEYTE as Chief Executive Officer
ADDACTIS Group is excited to announce the appointment of Frédéric CEYTE as its new Chief Executive Officer, marking a significant milestone in the company’s strategic evolution.

How to choose the right reserving method?
How do you know that the reserving methods you are currently using are the “best”? Read our article and discover the four non life reserving methods you need to master throughout your actuarial career.

Key Considerations for a Smooth IFRS 17 Implementation
Discover the critical steps insurers must take for a successful IFRS 17 implementation, including gap analysis, data readiness, and system upgrades.