Join Addactis at the First Joint Colloquium of All IAA Sections


Sep 22 - 25 2024


08:00 - 18:00


Life & Health,
Pricing / Underwriting / Client value,
Properties & Casualties,
Regulatory & Compliance
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Join Addactis at the First Joint Colloquium of All IAA Sections
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Addactis 𝐚𝐭 𝐉𝐨𝐂𝐨𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐬!

The First Joint Colloquium of all IAA Sections

We are excited to announce that Addactis will be participating in JoCo2024, the First Joint Colloquium of all IAA Sections, organized by the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium (IA|BE) from September 22 to 25, 2024, at two iconic venues in the heart of Brussels: Hotel Le Plaza and AG Campus.

JoCo2024 brings together 400 actuaries from around the world and more specifically members from ASTIN (Non-Life Insurance), AFIR-ERM (Finance, Investment & ERM), IACA (Consulting Actuaries), IAALS (Life & Annuities), IAAHS (Health), and PBSS (Pension & Social Security) in the heart of Brussels from September 22 to 25, 2024.

It’s a unique opportunity to engage with professionals from across the globe and discuss the future of actuarial science in areas such life and non-life insurance, health sectors, financial services, and risk management.

For more details on what each session offers, view our full program here.

Event Details

  • Date: 22 – 25 September, 2024
  • Location: Hotel Le Plaza and AG Campus, Brussels, Belgium

Let’s meet in Brussels

Our experts, Juan Ignacio de Oyardibe and Sylvain Saige, are honored to contribute to this event, sharing insights on actuarial topics. They look forward to reconnecting with the actuarial community in Brussels!

Why Meet with us

  • Discuss your local challenges with our experts and discover how our actuarial solutions can meet your specific needs.
  • Learn how our innovative tools and methodologies can enhance your actuarial processes, improve your pricing processes, and ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Benefit from the strategic insights of our experts who have a deep understanding of both global trends and local market dynamics.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity! If you are an actuary or insurance professional in the area, this is your chance to connect with the best minds in the industry and explore Addactis solutions that can transform your business.

Contact us if you wish to set up a meeting with our experts during the event.

Our experts

Sylvain Saige

Sylvain Saige

Senior Manager, Senior Business Development Representative

Juan Ignacio De Oyarbide

Juan Ignacio De Oyarbide

Pricing Actuary, Business Development Representative

addactis® is a registered trademark, property of ADDACTIS Group SA, used by our companies to market their service offering.
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