EAD virtual conference 2023 | Inflation Impact on Non-Life Reserving


Jun 27 2023


09:30 - 16:00


Properties & Casualties,
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EAD virtual conference 2023 | Inflation Impact on Non-Life Reserving
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Towards the Actuary of the Future

Build on our traditional values and be innovative in solving the current and upcoming challenges

Addactis is thrilled to participate in the next European Actuarial Day on 27 June 2023, hosted by the Actuarial Association of Europe AAE and organized by the European Actuarial Academy (EAA).

The virtual one-day conference entitled “Towards the Actuary of the Future – Build on our traditional values and be innovative in solving the current and upcoming challenges” will be a unique opportunity for all actuaries and risk experts in Europe.

The program combines two keynote presentations from 9:30 – 16:00 CET with twelve sessions and renowned guest speakers.

Registration is free of charge for all participants.

Addactis intervention

“Inflation impact on non-life Reserving”

14:30 CET

Our Manager Modeling & Risk P&C, Romain Nobis is one of the speakers of the first keynote that will explain at 14:30 CET how to tackle the inflation and maintain the robustness of reserving and measure the impact on the ultimate results.

During his session on “Inflation impact on Non-life Reserving”, you will discover:

➜ The major impact of the economic context on P&C Reserving in 2023.

➜ The main reasons for the high inflation and the perspectives for the forthcoming years.

➜ How to maintain the robustness of non-life reserving, anticipate and prepare for future inflation.


Romain Nobis

Manager Modeling & Risk P&C

Member of the Actuarial French Institute, Romain NOBIS is manager in Addactis for 4 years on P&C Regulatory. He was before actuary in SMACL Assurances during 8 years on P&C thematic. He has a great experience in reserving, modeling, internal models, Solvency 2, IFRS 17, reinsurance, data quality and as a project leader. He’s a jury member for thesis of French actuaries’ student and provides teaching on reserving, internal models and IFRS 17. Romain participates in the R&D of Addactis on Reserving, IFRS 17 and Climatic.

Content that might interest you

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Risk Adjustment under IFRS17

In our e-book, we explore operational impacts of Risk Adjustment on IFRS 17 KPIs and how to capitalize on your Solvency II process, based on our experts in depth understanding and experience on IFRS 17 standard

Download our e-book >

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