Each month, EIOPA publishes a set of technical parameters used to produce the economic balance sheet, the SCR and the solvency ratio:
- Risk-free yield curves
- Correction for volatility
- Symmetrical equity adjustment
On this page, Addactis centralizes these various publications and puts these parameters into perspective with their levels in previous orders.
You can download the data history in Excel format at the bottom of this page.
Summary of data as of 01/31/2025
Risk-free rate curve

Volatility correction (bps)

Symmetrical equity adjustment

Parameter summary

Risk-free yield curve and volatility adjustment
Construction of the risk-free yield curve
Risk Free Rate(RFR) = Swap Rate – Credit Risk Adjustment (CRA)
The yield curve is then constructed by interpolating maturities below the LLP (Last Liquid Point, 20 years), then extrapolated to converge towards the UFR (Ultimate Forward Rate) over a 60-year horizon, using the Smith Wilson method. The 2020 revision of Solvency II will eventually introduce a new extrapolation methodology.
Rate shocks

The 2020 revision of Solvency II will modify the methods used to calculate interest rate shocks, to take better account of the specificities of low or even negative interest rate environments.
Ultimate Forward Rate (UFR)
Volatility adjustment (VA)
First, a spread of the representative portfolio is calculated.

- wgov and wcorp are the respective weights of sovereign and corporate bonds in the representative portfolio with wgov + wcorp + wequity + wproperty = 1
- Sgov and Scorp are the respective spreads of sovereign and corporate bonds.
The risk adjustment is then calculated as follows:

The 2020 revision of Solvency II will change the way the volatility adjustment is calculated, making it specific to each company.
To find out more about EIOPA’s methodologies for calculating the risk-free yield curve and adjusting for volatility, you can find EIOPA’s full technical documentation here.
Symmetrical equity adjustment

The value of the symmetrical adjustment is between -10% and +10%.
The 2020 revision of Solvency II should widen the symmetrical adjustment corridor to +/- 13%.
The benchmark index is composed of :

Future developments – Solvency II 2020 Review
- the methodology used to construct the risk-free yield curve (notably extrapolation, with and without correction for volatility)
- to calculate the volatility correction
- at the terminals of the symmetrical fit
To find out more about the 2020 review of Solvency II, read the summary written by our experts.