Dashboard on Insurance Protection Gaps for Natural Disasters
There is therefore a deficit in protection in terms of NAT CAT insurance. Consequently, EIOPA has established a dashboard whose main objective is to monitor the risks associated with these protection gaps. It compares the risk incurred with the level of protection in 30 European countries for storm, flood, wildfire, and earthquake risks.
The dashboard provides four views of protection gap:
2. Historical Protection Gap presents the historical deficiencies in coverage for a specific risk, based on insurance coverage data and economic losses from 1980 to 2021.
3. Country View provides additional information on current and historical protection deficiencies specific to each country.
4. A country insurance perspective provides qualitative information on how natural disasters are covered.

1. Current Protection Gap
The risk has been compared across different perils and countries using the index below:

The thresholds used to define the scores are the following :

As to the insurance coverage, it is evaluated using the following formula:

2. Historical protection gap
a. Annual uninsured losses normalized by GDP:

b) The percentage of uninsured claims:

3. Country-specific view

4. Insurance Perspective by Countries

Moreover, it will help identify the synergy potential between national policies to improve natural disaster protection across European borders.
If you would like to learn more about translating climate risks into prudential risks, our experts are also available to provide further insights.